The Flight distance between Sydney and Melbourne is 713 kilometres (443 miles).
The driving distance from Melbourne VIC, Australia to Sydney NSW, Australia is 545mi / 880km
From Melbourne's CBD to Sydney's CBD is a distance of 870 km by road. This route goes through Wodonga, up the Hume highway, and Wollongong.
Only about 1 hour of actual air time between sydney and melbourne. Don't forget to factor in check in times, etc, however.
There is no time between melbourne and sydney because they are both eastern standard time(EST).
The countrylink XPT travels between Sydney and Melbourne. The Canberra Xplorer also goes to both Sydney and Melbourne.
The distance from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia is 878km, or 545.563mi.
The distance between the above places is approximately equal to 324 nautical miles. To convert miles to nautical miles, multiply the miles by 0.86. This is point to point straight distance. The actual distance will change according to the route.
From Melbourne's CBD to Sydney's CBD is a distance of 869 km (539 miles) by road, travelling the inland route along the Hume Highway. The Flight distance is 713 kilometres (443 miles).
From Melbourne's CBD to Sydney's CBD is a distance of 869 km (539 miles) by road, travelling the inland route along the Hume Highway. Estimated travelling time (without breaks) is almost 10.5 hours. Heavy traffic can extend this travelling time by a couple of hours. The Flight distance is 713 kilometres (443 miles). The flight from Melbourne to Sydney varies between 1.25 hours and 1.5 hours.
Adelaide and Alice Springs have the shortest direct distance between them.
From Melbourne's CBD to Sydney's CBD is a distance of 869 km (539 miles) by road, travelling the inland route along the Hume Highway. The Flight distance is 713 kilometres (443 miles).