about 155 miles
137 miles
The total driving distance from Blairsville, PA to Disney World is 1,000 miles.
Downtown Disney OS in the idsny resort... depending on where you are in parks or hotels the distance is different! :]
200 miles
17 minutes
Walt Disney World is about ten miles from Kissimmee's city center.
The fastest way to travel from Jacksonville, Florida to Disney World is by driving, which takes about 2.5 to 3 hours. The cheapest way would be to carpool or take a bus, such as a Greyhound, which could take longer but be more cost-effective compared to flying or taking a taxi.
About 40 Miles according to Google maps.
155 miles taking this route:Take I-95 SOUTH to I-4 WEST to ORLANDO at EXIT 260B near Daytona Beach.Take I-4 WEST to Walt Disney World.
It is 257.13 miles.
It is119 miles according to Google Maps.