According to a site on Google, the distance in miles between Rome, Italy and Alexandria, Egypt is 1213.06miles.
Air distance between Naples, Italy and Cairo, Egypt is 1,210 miles. That is 1,947 kilometers. It is 1,052 nautical miles.
There is no distance between Cairo and Egypt. Cairo is the capital city of Egypt
The distance from alexandria to Siwa i
the distance between London and Egypt is about 2307 miles
Distance between Trieste in Italy and Ljubljana in Slovenia?
There is no ferry service between Italy and Egypt unless you do not use a Ro_ro service sailing from Italy, if not Tunisia, Lybia, Egypt
The distance between Alexandria, Egypt and Damita, Egypt is 209.6 km. This journey would take approximately 2 hours by road.
The distance between Bristol, UK, and Rome, Italy, is 971 miles.
The flight distance from Italy to Netherlands is about 744 miles.
the shortest distance is 185 km, or 115 miles.
The flight distance from Ghana to Egypt is: 2,470 miles / 3,976 km