Distance between outer banks n c and Hilton head s c
The region known as the Outer Banks is primarily in North Carolina and is 200 miles long. It's about 500 miles north of Hilton Head.
The shortest distance is 734 miles.
588.7 miles
675 miles
about 1000 miles
678 miles
It would take approximately 6 hours to get from Myrtle Beach, SC to the Outer Banks. It is a total of 355 miles one way.
The driving distance from Orlando, FL, USA to Outer Banks, Kinnakeet, NC, USA is 787.84mi / 1267.9km
Accordign to google maps the distance From Charlotte, NC to Outer Banks, Nags Head, NC is 366 Miles
iles from tampa,fl to outer banks, north carolina
It is 286 miles according to Google Maps.