The distance between Bridgeport and Hartford is approximately 55 miles.
Bridgeport and Shelton are both cities within the state of Connecticut. There is a distance of 12 miles between these two cities. The estimated driving time by car is 14 minutes.
3400 miles
Isnt that what Mapquest is for...?
It is 2,477 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 258 miles according to Google Maps.
There are 38.31 miles between Hartford, Connecticut and New Haven, Connecticut. The driving time is 35 minutes when you take I-91 S.
Hartford, Connecticut is 255 miles from Augusta, Maine via I-95.
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 658mi, (1,059km), and will take approximately 11 hours of driving time.
846 miles.
Robert A. Hurley (born August 25, 1895 in Bridgeport, Connecticut; died May 3, 1968 in West Hartford, Connecticut) succeeded Raymond E. Baldwin as the fifty-eighth Governor of Connecticut, serving between January 8, 1941 and January 6, 1943, including the whole of 1942.