34 miles
The distance between Grand Rapids and Detroit is about 156 road miles.
What is the driving time to Lake Michigan from Grand Rapids?
The driving distance between Mansfield, Ohio and Grand Rapids, Michigan is approximately 270 miles.
If you mean the difference in miles, Traverse City is about 140 miles north of Grand Rapids.
Assuming you're in Michigan, the distance is about 150 miles.
The driving distance between Grand Rapids and Traverse City is approximately 150-160 miles, depending on the specific route taken. This journey usually takes around 2.5 to 3 hours by car.
From downtown Grand Rapids you can plan on about 40 - 45 minutes to Lake Michigan.
Grand Rapids is about a 36 minute drive away from Holland, MI. In kilometers, the distance of Grand Rapids from Holland, MI is 48.7 kilometers. The best way to get there should be by car.
It is 181 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 465 miles according to Google Maps.
About 150 miles. Just get on I-96 toward Grand Rapids, and continue on to Lansing.