The flight distance from Ghana to Cairo, Egypt is: 2,634 miles / 4,239 km
The flight distance from Ghana to Ukraine is: 3,445 miles / 5,545 km
The flight distance from Ghana to Greece is: 2,603 miles / 4,190 km
There is no distance between Cairo and Egypt. Cairo is the capital city of Egypt
The flight distance from Ghana to Montenegro is: 2,726 miles / 4,387 km
The flight distance from Ghana to Chennai, India is: 5,585 miles / 8,988 km
The flight distance from California (CA) to Ghana is: 7,392 miles / 11,896 km
The flight distance from Ghana to United Kingdom is: 3,170 miles / 5,101 km
The distance from alexandria to Siwa i
the distance between London and Egypt is about 2307 miles
It could be a final between Egypt and Ghana with Ghana being winers.
The flight distance from Ghana to Liberia is: 525 miles / 845 km