The distance between Salt Lake City, UT and Moab, UT is approximately 230 miles by road.
Draper UT.
The address of the Draper Historical Society is: 1054 E Pioneer Rd, Draper, UT 84020
The driving distance is 40.2 miles.
About 230 miles
The driving distance between Syracuse UT and Logan UT is 57 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 1 hour and 2 minutes.
It is 67.1 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance from Salt Lake City, UT, to Hyrum, UT, is about 80 miles.
The address of the Freedom Foundation Incorporated is: 12953 Minuteman Dr, Draper, UT 84020-9286
The shortest driving distance is 711 miles.
198 miles
756 miles