197 miles
12 miles taking I-95.
The distance between Cocoa Beach and New Smyrna Beach is around 65 miles if you follow the I-95 going north and should take about 1 hour and 11 minutes (on average).
It is 889 miles between Cincinnati, Ohio and New Smyrna Beach, Florida. The driving time will be about 14 hours and 44 minutes.
It is 140.37 miles according to MapQuest.
The distance between Charleston, SC and New Smyrna Beach, FL is approximately 300 miles when traveling by car on the fastest route.
101 miles.
The address of the New Smyrna Beach Regional Library is: 1001 S. Dixie Freeway, New Smyrna Beach, 32168 7197
The driving distance is 125 miles.
The halfway point between New Smyrna Beach and Key West would be somewhere in West Palm Beach. The exact town I do not know but this is your midpoint.
The distance between the start location and the destination is 111mi, (178km), and will take approximately 1 hour 45 minutes of driving time.
The phone number of the New Smyrna Beach Regional Library is: 386-424-2910.