The driving distance from Dallas, Texas to Carlsbad, California is 1,384 miles.
its lik about 1440miles
The flight distance from Dallas, Texas to Lafayette, Indiana is 759.5 miles. The flight distance from Dallas, Texas to Lafayette, Louisiana is 331.2 miles. The flight distance from Dallas, Texas to Lafayette, California is 1,470 miles.
It is 304 miles from Crescent City, California to Dallas, Oregon.
what is the distance from lawton Oklahoma to dallas Texas
Dallas is a city in the state of Texas. So, technically, there is no distance between Dallas and Texas.
The air distance from Dallas, Texas, to Oakland, California, is 1,473 miles. That equals 2,370 kilometers or 1,280 nautical miles.
The road distance between the above places is 1532 miles . This is the distance when the shortest route is chosen. Traffic rules like ‘No Entries’ and ‘One Ways’ have not been considered when calculating this distance.
The distance between Dallas and Marshall TX is about 149 road miles.
The distance between Dallas, Texas and Pantego, Texas is about 25 miles.
Dallas is in Texas.
The driving distance from Dallas, Texas to Guadalajara, Mexico is about 1,043 miles.