The distance between Andersonville, Georgia and Cumberland Island is approximately 170 miles.
It is 105 km.
About 640 miles
The driving distance between Macon, GA, and Cumberland Island, GA, is approximately 245 miles, which takes about 4 hours to drive.
The distance between Yorkshire England and London England is roughly about 150 miles.
The distance in miles is 9,445 between England and Australia .
It is 156 miles according to Google Maps.
139 mi - about 2 hours 15 mins
The distance between England and Virginia is approximately 3,670 miles (5,906 kilometers) if you were to travel by air.
There are 1180 miles between England and Stockholm
it is about 3000 miles between England and America
The driving distance between Birmingham, England and Tenerife is 2447 miles. The distance between the two cities by air is 1836 miles.