309 miles
The driving distance from London, United Kingdom to Cornwall, United Kingdom is 142.8 miles. The driving time is 2 hours 25 minutes when you take M1, A1(M), and A59.
The distance from London to Cornwall in the UK is approximately 370 kilometers.
290 ish from west London to falmouth
The distance from London, England to Cornwall, England is 269 miles and takes approximately 4 hours and 45 minutes.
Distance between Portsmouth and sharpness
The driving distance from London, United Kingdom to Cornwall, United Kingdom is 142.8 miles. The travel time is 2 hours 25 minutes.
The driving distance from Halifax, NS to Cornwall, ON is 844 miles / 1358 km
340 miles
Roughly 372 miles.
The distance between Montreal and Cornwall is approximately 115 kilometers (71 miles) when traveling by road.