The shortest driving distance is 13.4 miles.
17 miles
distance between suzhou city center & hongqiao airport about 90~110KM distance between suzhou city center & pudong airport about 130~150KM
The distance between Montreal's Airport and the center of the city would be 17.60 kilometers. This is according to Worldtaximeter. A taxi from the airport to this destination is C$32.00.
48 miles
The closest major airport is brussels airport (BRU / EBBR). This airport is in Brussels, Belgium and is 84 km from the center of Maastricht, Netherlands. Another major airport is dusseldorf international (DUS), which is in Dusseldorf Airport, Germany and is 89 km from Maastricht, Netherlands.
The distance between Prince Said Ibrahim Airport and the Moroni city center is 22 kilometers, or about 14 miles. The drive is about 18 minutes.
If you consider the Banhofstrasse to be the 'center' of Zurich, then it is about 11.9 km by car from the airport to downtown, according to Google maps
Sydney International Airport is about 20 minutes by car or 17 km from city center. See related links for more information.
The distance from the center of Oxford to London Heathrow Airport is almost exactly 40 miles (64 kilometers).
about 5 miles
the disrtance between Beauvais-Tillé (Beauvais' airport) and Paris centre is 90 km. the driving time is 1H15 in good traffic conditions.