The distance between Seattle WA and Boise ID is about 505 road miles.
181 miles
115 miles
There are about 563 miles between Boise, ID and Creston, BC, Canada.
115 miles
Twin Falls is about halfway between Boise and Ogden on I-84. Take Exit 173 (93 South)
The total distance from Tampa, FL to Boise, ID is 2,162 miles as the crow flies. This is equivalent to 3,479 kilometers or 1,879 nautical miles.
The distance between Boise, ID, USA and McCall, ID, USA is 110 Miles and will take about 2 Hours 50 Minutes to drive.
The shortest driving distance is 2,432 miles.
The driving distance from Lewiston ID to Boise ID is 104 miles via US-195 North per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 1 hour and 56 minutes.
The driving mileage between Boise, ID and Twin Falls, ID is 129 miles and takes approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes.
There are about 322.599 miles between Boise, ID and Sandpoint, ID.