The distance between Melbourne Airport and Ballarat is approximately 115 kilometers by road. This typically takes around 1.5-2 hours to drive, depending on traffic conditions.
From Melbourne's CBD to Ballarat by road is a distance of 113km. Driving time is about 1 hour 20 minutes.
From Port Melbourne to Ballarat is a distance of 110 km. Travel time is an estimated 1.25 hours, depending on traffic.
according to the distance from geelong to ballarat is 85.2 km 91 mins drive
The flight distance between Melbourne & Sydney is 713 kilometres. The driving distance between Melbourne & Sydney is 875 kilometres.
The original railroad from Melbourne to Ballarat was completed in two stages. The railway line from Melbourne to Geelong was opened in 1857. Construction of the Geelong to Ballarat line began in 1858, and was completed in 1862. It was officially opened on 10 April 1862. The railway line directly connecting Melbourne and Ballarat was only completed in April 1892.
The distance between Melbourne and Rome is 9934 miles.
68 miles
37 miles
From Bendigo to Ballarat by road is a distance of 117km.
A wal mart store is apparently being built on ballarat rd between footscray and sunshine