Adel or Tifton.
180 miles
320 miles down I-75.
The distance from Tifton, GA to Macon, GA is approximately 102 miles. It takes around 1.5 to 2 hours to drive between the two cities.
258 miles
Using Google Maps one is able to calculate the distance as well as the driving travel time. The distance between Orlando, Florida and Tifton, Georgia is 262 miles. The travel time is 4 hours and 17 minutes.
46 miles up I-75 NORTH.
The address of the Tifton Terminal Railway Museum is: 120 South Tifton Av, Tifton, GA 31794
The address of the Tifton-Tift County Public Library is: 245 Love Ave, Tifton, 31793 4416
Tifton, GA
Tifton, GA
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 418mi, (672km), and will take approximately 7 hours 6 minutes of driving time.