To travel from Melbourne to Canberra by road is a distance of 657km. Actual travelling time would be almost 8 hours, but that does not account for rest breaks.
The Flight mileage is 473 km.
The travelling time between Melbourne and Canberra by road is almost 8 hours, but that does not account for rest breaks.The distance is 657 km.
The distance from Melbourne to Canberra by road is 657km. Actual travelling time is almost 8 hours, but that does not account for rest breaks.
The flight distance from Melbourne, Australia to Mackay, Australia is 1,176 miles / 1,892 km
From Brisbane to Canberra via the Pacific Highway to Sydney is a distance of 1201km by road. The distance by air is 935km.
The driving distance from Melbourne VIC, Australia to Sydney NSW, Australia is 545mi / 880km
The flight distance from Melbourne, Australia to Traralgon, Australia is 89 miles / 143 km
The driving distance between Canberra and Melbourne is approximately 665 km. The driving time would be approximately 7 hours 45 minutes if you were to drive non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
Melbourne, Australia to Mildura Victoria Australia is 339 miles.
Singapore is about 3764 miles or 6057 kilometers from Melbourne, Australia. A flight from Singapore to Melbourne, Australia takes about eight hours.
From Warrnambool to Canberra is a distance of 910 km. Travelling time is almost 11 hours, without breaks.
The driving distance from Narooma NSW 2546, Australia to Melbourne VIC, Australia is 424.18mi / 682.66km
The air distance from Canberra, Australia, to Athens, Greece, is 9,447 miles. That equals 15,202 kilometers or 8,208 nautical miles.