From Eden to Batemans Bay in New South Wales is a distance of 198km. Travel time is around two and a half hours.
The driving time from Campbelltown to Batemans Bay, New South Wales, is about three and a half hours. Road distance is 244km.
From the CBD in Sydney to Corrimal is a distance of 72km. Travel time is about an hour.
The road distance from Sydney to Yass is about 277km. Travel time is an estimated two and a half hours, depending on which part of Sydney one travels from.
The distance between Sydney's CBD and Newcastle is 159km. Depending on traffic, it takes around 2 hours to travel.
From Sydney to Goulburn by road is a distance of 195km. The journey takes around two and a half hours.
It is 74km from Sydney's CBD to Gosford. Travel time is an estimated one hour and twenty minutes, depending on traffic.
The distance from Sydney to Coolum is 1047km. Travel time is about thirteen hours, but it is not recommended that the trip be done in a single day.
The road distance between Sydney and Mudgee is 265 km. Depending on traffic, the travel time is around four hours.
The road distance between Sydney and Bellingen is 517km. Travel time is around 5 hours 45 minutes, depending on traffic.
It is 35 km from Sydney CBD to Blacktown. Depending on traffic, travel time averages around 50 minutes.
From Sydney, NSW to Byron Bay on the NSW north coast is a distance of 774km. The drive takes almost ten hours.