The distance between Newcastle and Singleton is 80km. Travel time is an estimated 1 hour 30 minutes, due to traffic.
To drive from Newcastle to Canberra is a distance of 432km, and takes around 5.5 hours.
75 km
The road distance between Sydney and Mudgee is 265 km. Depending on traffic, the travel time is around four hours.
Travel Distance Between Adelaide to Sydney is 1164 Kilometers or 723 Miles
The road distance between Sydney and Bellingen is 517km. Travel time is around 5 hours 45 minutes, depending on traffic.
The distance by road between Kempsey and Sydney is about 420 km, and takes approximately 5 hours to travel.
Light takes about 8 minutes to reach earth
Well, it's easier to go rolling down a hill than to push back up, imagine the earth being like a hill and there's your answer
The distance between Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia and Brisbane, Queensland is 785 kilometres, which is approximately 487 miles. Travel time is around 9.5 hours.
The shortest distance between Sydney and Singleton, going entirely by the inland route, is 181km. Because of the winding roads, it can take about two and a half hours to travel.
It is 74km from Sydney's CBD to Gosford. Travel time is an estimated one hour and twenty minutes, depending on traffic.