Traveling on I-40 W it takes at least 5 hours and 26 minutes to go the 332.43 miles between Greenville, NC and Asheville, NC.
The shortest driving distance is 62.2 miles.
Using Google Maps one is able to calculate the distance as well as the driving travel time. The distance between Greenville, North Carolina and Asheville, North Carolina is 330 miles. The travel time is 5 hours and 21 minutes.
61 miles
It is 330 miles according to Google Maps.
The total driving distance from Asheville, NC to Murphy, NC is 111 miles.
I thnk 48 hr
The total driving distance from Raleigh, NC to Greenville, SC is 265 miles.
The distance between Charlotte, NC and Asheville, NC is 129 miles. It takes about 2 hours to travel to drive from one city to the next by car.
About 120 miles on I-40
Greenville and Wilmington North Carolina are 120.78 miles apart.
Traveling on I-26 E it takes at least 30 minutes to go the 25.15 miles between Pinehurst, NC and Asheville, NC.