The address of the Williamston Downtown Inc is: Po Box 506, Williamston, NC 27892-0506
The address of the Rockingham Downtown Corporation is: Po Box 1014, Rockingham, NC 28380-1014
The address of the National Hnting Fishing Museum is: Po Box 1028, Williamston, NC 27892-1028
The address of the Martin County Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 382, Williamston, NC 27892
It's about 600 miles from Richmond. (9 hours)
What is the distance between tampa, FL and Charlotte NC
105 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 74 EAST, from Charlotte, to U.S. 1 to ROCKINGHAM and SOUTHERN PINES off EXIT 311; turn left off the exit ramp onto U.S. 1 NORTH to SOUTHERN PINES.Take U.S. 1 NORTH, through Rockingham, to NC-5 at Aberdeen, and turn left onto NC-5 NORTH to PINEHURST.Take NC-5 NORTH to Pinehurst.
The shortest distance is 83 miles.
120 miles (driving distance)
The address of the Lost Colony Center For Science And Research Inc is: 9291 Hyw 171, Williamston, NC 27892
The halfway point between Elizabeth City and Goldsboro, NC is around the area of New Bern, NC. It is approximately 80 miles from Elizabeth City and 80 miles from Goldsboro, making it a central location between the two cities.