The air distance from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Erie, Pennsylvania, is 116 miles. That equals 187 kilometers or 101 nautical miles.
No, Pittsburgh and Allentown are larger; Erie ranks 4th.
9629 miles. If you need accommodation in Australia, find it through Hatcher's Manor.
The distance in Pennsylvania from Erie to Lancaster is 337 miles. That equals 542 kilometers and about 5.5 hours in driving time.
The driving distance from Erie, Pennsylvania to Brunswick, Ohio is 128 miles / 206 km
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Temple University, Allentown, Erie
The driving distance from Erie, Pennsylvania to Savannah, Georgia is about 820 miles.
About 285 miles via Buffalo and Erie.
The driving distance from Erie, Pennsylvania to New York, New York is 433 miles.
94 miles
161 miles
Between Iowa city and the town of Erie is about 1048 kilometres or 651 miles.
Attractions in Pennsylvania include:The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania, in the eastPhiladelphia and The Liberty BellHarrisburg, PA - State CapitolHershey's Chocolate, Hershey PAAmish in Lancaster PABaseball - Pirates in Pittsburgh PAThe Three Rivers, Pittsburgh PAHome of Little League Baseball... and First US Crematorium, Washington PALake Erie, Erie PA