The straight-line distance from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada to Timmins, Ontario, Canada is 195 miles. The driving distance is 312.8 miles, and the driving time is 5 hours 50 minutes.
The driving time from Barrie ON to Kingston ON is approximately 3 hours, 45 minutes.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 6 hours and 31 minutes.
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Napanee, Ontario, Canada and Kingston, Ontario, Canada is 41.8 km. The resulting travel time is 32 minutes.
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 4,621km, (2,871mi), and will take approximately 43 hours of driving time.
The driving distance from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan to Timmins, Canada is 277.3 miles. The average driving time is 6 hours 41 minutes.
About 8 hours... If you drive fast, 7.
A hot water repair shop in Timmins, Ontario can be found by searching a local directory. One of the local hot water repair shops in Ontario is JS Plumbing who can guarantee to repair your hot water heater in a short amount of time.
40 minutes
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 36 hours.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 31 minutes.
The approximate driving time and mileage information - Between: Anchorage, AK and: Kingston, ON, Canada Driving miles: 4245 Driving time: 73 hrs - is based on traveling non-stop in good driving conditions. Driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend travel time such as weather, road work, border crossings, and rush hour traffic in urban areas. Mileage denotes actual road miles covered as opposed to Point A to Point B linear distances on a map.