The driving distance from Belize to Guatemala is 332 miles / 535 km
The driving distance from Brownsville, Texas to Belize City, Belize is 1,341 miles.
The driving distance from Spokane, WA, USA to Belize City, Belize is 3610.57mi / 5810.65km
The driving distance is about 330 miles.
The driving distance between Cancun and Belize City is about 479.40 kilometers or about 297.89 miles. It is about a 10 hour drive.
About 1,870 miles.
The driving distance from Jacksonville, Florida to Belize City, Belize is about 2,553 miles.
Guatemala and Belize.
Belize is located between Mexico and Honduras and Guatemala is located to the West of Belize as well.
Chetumal is on the Mexico/Belize boarder. Depending on your time going threw customs, it shouldn't be more then a 20 minutes of driving.