The distance from Sydney, NSW to Dumfries, Scotland is 10,531 miles. There is no airport in Dumfries so you would have to get a flight from Sydney to Glasgow and from there, take a train to Dumfries.
About 1h40 (road distance: 125 km, 78 miles).
73.4 miles
308 miles
157 miles
The distance between Laurel, MD and Dumfries, VA is approximately 55 miles if driving.
The road distance between Paris and Dumfries is 1019 km (633 miles). The driving time is 10 hours not including the crossing time for the Channel. The distance as the crow flies is 801 km or 498 miles.
The address of the Dumfries Neighborhood Library is: 18007 Dumfries Shopping Plaza, Dumfries, 22026 2411
The distance from Ballina to Sydney is 739 km.
What is the distance from Sydney to Cancun by air?
The County of Dumfries also known as Dumfries-shire.
The flight distance between Melbourne & Sydney is 713 kilometres. The driving distance between Melbourne & Sydney is 875 kilometres.
The road distance from Sydney to Taree is 307 kilometres.