242 miles from Traverse City to Detroit MI.
The distance between Traverse City and Leland, Michigan is approximately 26 miles.
139 miles
A bajillion million putoin miles away pfft
The distance between Troy, Michigan and Traverse City is approximately 185 miles, and the driving time is around 3 hours depending on traffic and road conditions.
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Kalamazoo, Michigan is: 110 miles / 178 km
The halfway point from Traverse City, MI. and Atlanta GA. would be Cincinnati, Ohio.
The distance between Detroit and Chicago is approximately 280 miles by road.
307 km taking this route:Take I-75 SOUTH from Sault Ste. Marie to M-72 to TRAVERSE CITY at EXIT 259 in GRAYLING.Follow signs to M-72 to Traverse City. Take M-72 WEST to Traverse City.
The distance between Chicago, Illinois and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor is approximately 220 miles or 355 kilometers. This distance can vary depending on the specific locations within each city that you are traveling to and from.
The distance between the above places is 2118 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport precise distance.
285 miles. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=Chicago+to+Clarkston+Michigan&ie=UTF8&z=7