The flight distance is 2,763 miles.
From Suffolk,UK to Leeds, UKDriving directions to Leeds, UK187 mi - about 3 hours 25 mins
The driving distance is approximately 960 road miles.
121 miles or 195 kilometers.
95 miles
The distance between the above mentioned places is 53.5 miles approximately. This distance is straight path from one place to the other place. There might be a slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.
The shortest driving distance is 232 miles using the A30, or 268 miles using the A303.
There are 5899.739 miles between Sudbury, Suffolk UK and Tokyo, Japan.
In the UK, the county of Norfolk is to the North of Suffolk.
The Royal Albion Hotel is located at 35 Old Steine, Brighton, UK. In fact it is within 200 feet of the English Channel. Brighton Sea life center and Brighton Pier are within walking distance from the hotel.
Suffolk Coastal - UK Parliament constituency - was created in 1983.
Brighton to Rye is about 48 miles, 1 hour by car.