The driving distance from Bangkok, Thailand to Phuket, Thailand is 840km
The driving distance from Bangkok, Thailand to Phuket, Thailand is about 530 miles.
Qantas/Jetstar: - Adelaide to Phuket (via Singapore) - Adelaide to Phuket (via Sydney) Tiger Airways: - Adelaide to Phuket (via Perth and then Singapore) Virgin Blue: - Do not service Phuket Singapore Airways: - Adelaide to Phuket (via Singapore) Other airlines like Thai Airways do not fly out of Adelaide and passengers must first fly to Sydney with another carrier.
The total distance from Mumbai, India to Singapore is 2,423 miles
The flight distance from Singapore to Thailand is: 972 miles / 1,565 km
The flight distance from Singapore to Fiji is: 5,216 miles / 8,394 km
The flight distance from Singapore to Penang is: 368 miles / 592 km
The flight distance from Singapore to Belgium is: 6,574 miles / 10,579 km
The distance from Singapore to the equator is 88 miles. The coordinates of Singapore are 1.3521° N, 103.8198° E
There is a distance of 3936.2 miles between Adelaide Australia and Phuket Thailand. It takes an estimated 8 hours and 10 minutes to fly between these two locations.
The flight distance from Singapore to Paris, France is: 6,669 miles / 10,732 km