what is the distance from guadaloupe to tortola
No He is form the island of Tortola in the BVI
what is zip code for road town, tortola BVI
The latitude of Tortola in the British Virgin Islands is approximately 18.4141° N.
2000 miles
The distance between the above places is 1943 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance as seen on the map. The actual distance covered by a flight may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport distance.
A straight line from Miami to Tortola in the British Virgin Islands is 969 Nautical Miles. That path crosses straight through the Bahamas, so it is a little bit further than that by boat. 988 Nautical miles from West Palm Beach, Florida to Tortola, BVI.
The BVI has various postal codes, depending upon which region you live in. They all start "VG" followed by a 5 digit number. They are not the same as US zip codes, but are clearly based upon the same concept.
The distance from St Maarten (St Martin) in the northeast Caribbean to Oranjestad, Aruba's capital, is 600 miles.Specifically, that distance is equivalent to 965 kilometers. It is 521 nautical miles. Oranjestad is southwest of Sint Maarten.
Jersey with 36 square mileswould say the Irish Island east of England
Air BVI was created in 1971.