Depends greatly on time of day. Morning and afternoon traffic can be very heavy and quite slow. Speeds will vary from Stop to 70 mph. Travel time can be for 1.5 to 3 hours.
Distance does not affect the average speed. A car can travel 1 kilometre at an average speed of 60 km per hour, or it can travel 100 km at the same average speed.
Richmond Speed ended in 2003.
Richmond Speed was created in 1999.
When an object is stationary and does not travel, calculating its average speed is not useful since there is no displacement or time taken to travel. Average speed is typically used to measure how fast an object moves over a period of time, which does not apply to a stationary object.
an average hamster can travel at a speed of 5 miles per hour
Average speed = Distance travelled/time to travel the distance . Average acceleration = Change of speed/time for the change .
your average speed is 50 kilometers per
it can travel at a speed of 25-35 mph
Your average speed is 44.3 miles per hour.
80 km per hour
Average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. The formula for average speed is: average speed = total distance / total time.
Very simple: Distance traveled divided by time taken to travel that distance = average speed .