100 miles
1152 Miles.
The distance between Prescott, AZ and Palm Springs, CA is 275 miles. Hope that helps!
Shortest time: about 2 hours
The address of the Prescott Art Docents An Affiliate Of The Phoenix Art Museum is: Po Box 3002, Prescott, AZ 86302
101 miles taking I-17 NORTH to SR-69 NORTH (EXIT 262), then SR-69 NORTH to Prescott.
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
It is 116 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 1,290 miles according to MapQuest.
As a US State, then Yes. The first Territorial Capital was Fort Whipple, then Prescott, then Tucson and back to Prescott. In 1899 it was moved to Phoenix, which remained the capital when Arizona became a state in 1912.
135.70 miles
The driving distance from Las Vegas, NV, USA to Phoenix, AZ, USA is 297mi / 478km