What is the statute of limitations on a traffic citation being issued in Pennsylvania?
seven years,or ten for fellony dui,hit run ext.
Can a minor enter a tobacconist with a parent or adult like if my dad were to take me to get cigars but he bought them i just came with him to pick them out?
Nope. THAT sir is called a fellony.
What should you do if there were people drawing swastikas in our school?
Talk to a teacher or counselor. If that doesn't help, talk to
the police (if in Germany, it's a fellony there). If that won't fix
it: organize );->
Man...... ya gotta be close to a fellony in acting classes and
also receive so singing ones. Ya also have to be really out there
and simply WAIT! I wont give you hopes
Can a fellon own a gun after a amount of years in Florida?
No they can not. It is federal Law that prohibits this. I am not
sure the state law but federal law states once a fellony conviction
is turn down you may not posses a firearm with a PIN. You may
however own a flint lock.
my son is on parole and cannot get an appartment,because of a 25 year old fellony charge.is there any where he might be able to rent an appartment ?
Bellmeade Manor, located at 1929 E Pleasant Valley Blvd offers
low-cost assisted and independent senior apartments.