The driving distance between Seattle, WA and Petaluma, CA is 808 miles. The driving time would be approximately 12 hours 30 minutes if driving non-stop in good conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The driving distance between Reno, NV and Truckee, CA is approximately 32 miles. The driving time would be approximately 40 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The actual time may vary according to the traffic and weather. The approximate driving time between these two places is 2 hours.
The flight distance from San Mateo to Petaluma, California is 49 miles.And the driving distance from San Mateo to Petaluma is 66 miles.
The driving distance between Ashland, OR and Truckee, CA is approximately 325 miles. The driving time would be approximately 5 hours 30 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The actual time may vary according to the traffic and weather. The approximate driving time between these two places is 14 hours 30 minutes.
The driving distance between Las Vegas, NV and Petaluma, CA is approximately 595 miles. The driving time would be approximately 10 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
About 16.77mi / 26.99km
Around 765.
The approximate driving time and mileage information - Between: Yuba City, CA and: Petaluma, CA Driving miles: 120 Driving time: 2 hrs - is based on traveling non-stop in good driving conditions. Driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend travel time such as weather, road work, border crossings, and rush hour traffic in urban areas. Mileage denotes actual road miles covered as opposed to Point A to Point B linear distances on a map.
It is 802.74 miles according to MapQuest.
The address of the Truckee Library is: 10031 Levon Avenue, Truckee, 96161 4800