It is 31.5 miles according to Google Maps.
408 miles
About 640 miles.
1040 miles
The distance between Nixa, MO and Ozark, MO is approximately 10 miles.
The distance from Ozark, Alabama to Oranjestad, Aruba's capital, is 1,639 miles.Specifically, that distance is equivalent to 2,638 kilometers. It is 1,425 nautical miles. Oranjestad is southeast of Ozark.
There are 127.919 miles between Joplin, MO and Lake Ozark, MO.
It is 743 miles according to Google Maps.
The Ozark Mountain Daredevils are a Southern Rock/Country Rock group formed in Springfield, Missouri. Their style could be described as Rock mixed with Country with a pronounced southern flavor to it.
They both have booties
There is approximately 685 miles between Ozark, Missouri and Gainesville, Georgia. It would take about 12 hours to drive by car.
The road distance from Ozark, Alabama to Newnan, Georgia is approximately 150-160 miles, depending on the specific route taken.