The distance from Hong Kong to Guangzhou is 174 Kms.
Opposition to the Guangzhou-Hong Kong Express Rail Link happened in 2009.
108 miles
A train ride from Hong Kong to Guangzough is generally 2 hours.
Shanghai Hong Kong Guangzhou Shenzhen Suzhou Nanjing
The southern section of China where Hong Kong and Guangzhou are.
Oh, what a lovely question! In 1911, three major ports clustered in southeast China were Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Xiamen. Each of these ports has its own unique beauty and charm, just like each brushstroke on a canvas adds depth and character to a painting.
Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Canton (Guangzhou), Xi'an
The flight distance from Hong Kong to Singapore is 1,596 miles / 2,569 km.
No distance at all. The ocean surrounds Hong Kong.
The flight distance from Kolkata, India to Hong Kong is 1,649 miles / 2,653 km
The driving distance from Hong Kong to Shanghai, China is 1,160 miles / 1,867 km.