The driving distance from Bangalore, India to Pollachi, India is 194.2 miles. The drive is about 4 hours 5 minutes taking NH66 and NH44.
pollachi to coimbatore railway station distance by road is 45 kms.
Pollachi's population is 88,293.
The distance from Bangalore to Hampi is approximately 365kms.
The Distance between Chicago and Bangalore 13,751 km
Chennai-Bangalore distance is shorter than Chennai-Cochin distance.
please give the distance figure in km from bangalore city to ongole
600 Kms flat from bangalore(Majestic)
it is 384 kms from Bangalore to Kasargod
White is a suburb in Bangalore city
Distance from Chicago to Bangalore is 13,751 kilometers or 8545 miles
It is around 200km from Bangalore to Hassan.