The distance between Portland International Airport (PDX) and downtown Portland is approximately 12 miles. Travel time can vary depending on traffic conditions.
What is the driving distance between Portland, Or and Medford, Or?
distance between Vancouver airport and downtown
the distance between San Jose and Portland is 666 miles.
the distance between Portland Or and Montreal Canada is 2,943.6 miles.
The two cities are separated only by the Columbia River, a distance of 2 miles or so. The distance between downtown areas is a little further, perhaps 15 miles.
About 20 miles, downtown to downtown.
There are 115 miles between Portland and Newport Oregon.
The driving distance between Portland Oregon and Eugene Oregon is 178 kilometres (111 miles).
The driving distance between Greenville ME and Portland ME is 154 road miles.
The driving distance from Portland, OR to Mulino, OR is 25 miles.
The driving distance between Ontario, CA and Portland, OR is 998 road miles.