If it is a standard Escort Lx it has a single cam. If it is a ZX2 it has a double cam.
single and double
There are engines with both. If the car is a twin cam then it's a double overhead cam. Single cam has less power but is more economical.
No, this is not possible.
single ober head cam
The 1.9 L is a Single Overhead Cam engine. The optional 1.8 L is a Double Overhead Cam engine.
If you look under the hood at the engine it will either say SOHC or DOHC which is Single and Double respectivly.
single overhead cam
All ZX2 Engines are double overhead cams. Thus the 2 in ZX2. If it is a single cam it is just an escort.
double touch method is better
Could Be Both SOHC Or DOHC Check Your Engine