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a risk assesment is an assesment that you carry out to make sure everything works and is right so no one gets hurt

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Q: What is a risk assesment?
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What does risk assesment mean?

Risk assessment is a step in a risk management procedure

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What is difference between tool box talk and risk assesment?

A risk assesment is a formal structured evaluation of the risk involved in a particular function, equipment use or work area.The assesment decides on the how much of a risk is present and whether it requires negating, modification or restriction. and eventually leads to... A 'toolbox talk', which is a short presentation to the workforce on a single aspect of health and safety.

The risk assesment code is an expression of risk that combines the elements of?

hazard severity and mishap probability

What is the meaning of risk assesment?

Risk assesment is exactly what it sounds like. A person or persons look at any task that is to be performed and determine what, if any risk are involved. The assesment is to determine if there's a possibility for injury to anyone while doing the task. The JHA or as it's defined simply means Job Hazard Analysis, which is something mandated by OSHA in the public sector. The risk of injury should be removed if possible by process improvment, or any engineering change that will remove or reduce the risk of injury

Explain how a benefit to risk assesment applies to making appropriate decisions in driving?

it is termed as a calculated risk. you balance up the risks with the benefits of the travel.

What are the five main features of a risk assesment?

identify the hazard who could get harmed and how evaluate the risk and decide the precaution record your findings and implement them review your assessment

What is risk assesment?

an estimate of the like hood of adverse effectss that may result from exposure to certain health hazards, pollutants in the enviroment

What is the risk assesment for a voltmeter?

It can fall off the workbench, break and ruin your experiment. I don't really know any physical risks.

What is assesment tax?

Assesment of tax means Computation of Tax.

What is the purpose of an overall risk assessment?

The purpose of a risk assesment is to suprise the BOOFUSin order to flush out the INTERNAL PINK PANTHER and the mnoofus. And also come to menheniot home of half price face removal surgery] STUMPY WUMPY POOTY WOMAN

The terms frequent likely occasional seldom and unlikely used in the risk assesment matrix refer to the level of?

The probability of an adverse or critical event occurring is what words like frequency, likely, occasional, seldom, and unlikely refer to in the risk assessment matrix.