

What is a hotspot not?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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14y ago

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1) A Goodspot

2) A hotspot is not a type of giraffe or a flavour of milkshake

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Does the Samsung Galaxy s3 have a hotspot?

Yes, you can use your Galaxy S3 as a mobile hotspot. However, your cellular carrier may require a monthly mobile hotspot plan in order for the hotspot to function.

How do you get wifi personal hotspot on a iPod touch 4g?

you can connect from your ipod in a wifi hotspot but you cant turn it into a hotspot because the ipod is not a router

How do you make your internet a safe hotspot?

Secure the hotspot with a password, such as a WEP key.

What is a disaster hotspot?

a disaster hotspot is an area in which disasters are more likely to occur

Can you get internet from a hotspot in your dsi?

Yes, you can connect to a wi-fi hotspot with your DSi.

Does the iPhone 5 have hotspot?

Setting, General, then Personal Hotspot. Hotspot fees may apply.

Can you get a hotspot for HTC One?

It would be under Settings > Wireless & Networks > Tethering & portable hotspot. First setup your wi-fi hotspot (network ID, password, etc.), then turn on Portable Wi-Fi hotspot for a wi-fi device such as a laptop or tablet to find the HTC One V's ID.

Will a personal hotspot work on a plane?

A personal hotspot cannot work on a plane for safety reasons.

Is volcano poas on a hotspot?

Yes, Poás Volcano is not located on a hotspot. It is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region where tectonic plates interact, causing volcanic activity. Poás Volcano is situated within the Costa Rican section of the Central American Volcanic Belt, which is formed by the subduction of the Cocos Plate under the Caribbean Plate.

What hotspot is mauna loa on?

Mauna Loa is on a hotspot known as the Hawaiian hotspot. This hotspot is responsible for the formation of the Hawaiian Islands, including Mauna Loa, due to the movement of the Pacific tectonic plate over a stationary mantle plume.

What is a hotspot in photoshop?

The term hotspot usually refer to web design. I've been using and teaching Photoshop for the last 6 years and have never heard the term hotspot in photoshop.

How did the teen titian meet hotspot?

they met Hotspot in the episode 'winner take all' when they had this kind of competition