The flight distance from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is about 1,110 miles.
The flight distance from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to John F. Kennedy International Airport is 2,421 miles.
The driving distance from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to Snoqualmie Falls is 33 miles.
1659 miles
The air distance from Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA) in Washington to Hilo International Airport (ITO) in Hawaii is 2,651 miles. That equals 4,266 kilometers or 2,303 nautical miles.
2699 miles, from Seattle Tacoma International Airport, to LIH, Kauai.
This is an approximate direct (straight line) distance. During actual travel, this distance may change if a different flight route is chosen. The distance between the two places in miles is: 1758
The driving distance from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, 17801 International Boulevard, Seattle, WA 98158, USA to Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, Delta, BC V4M, Canada is 149.85mi / 241.16km
The flight distance from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to Moscow, Russia is about 5,230 miles.
There are 1,135.1 miles from Los Angeles to Seattle. Depending on road and weather conditions, the average travel time by car between the two cities is 17 hours and 3 minutes.
30 miles
The flight distance from Seattle, Washington to Los Angeles International Airport is 965 miles.