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Q: What is DSB-SC demodulation?
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What is the bandwidth of DSBSC?

BW=2 fm

What is the difference between coherent demodulation and non coherent demodulation?

In case of coherent demodulation carrier used for demodulation purpose is in phase and frequency synchronism with carrier used for modulation purpose. For non-coherent demodulation it is not in synchronism.

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demodulation or detection.

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modulation and demodulation

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modulation and demodulation

What is is origin of the word modem?

MOdulation DEModulation.

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What are the electronic communication?

its nothing but modulation and demodulation. modulation of the message is done in transmitter side and demodulation is done at receiver side and retrieving the original message.

Matlab program for FM demodulation?

Matlab has a built-in function called "demod" in the communications (signal processing) toolbox where you can specify 'fm' for frequency demodulation.

What are the electronic communication process?

its nothing but modulation and demodulation. modulation of the message is done in transmitter side and demodulation is done at receiver side and retrieving the original message.

What is the function of mixer to demodulation process?

Function of mixer