The distance in England from London to Windsor is 25 miles. That equals 40 kilometers and about 40 minutes in driving time.
120 miles
No. Windsor is about 35 miles west of Central London.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 4 hours and 19 minutes.
What is the driving distance from Edmonton to Windsor Ontario?
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 2 hours and 2 minutes.
Buckingham Palace is in London and Windsor Castle in Windsor, Berkshire.
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Barrie, Ontario and Windsor, Ontario is 424 km. The resulting travel time is 4 hours and 58 minutes.
The driving distance from Windsor, Wisconsin to Dodgeville, Wisconsin is about 62 miles.
Driving distance: 284.08 miles / 457.18 kilometers - Time: 4:23 h
About 250 miles or 4 and a half hours driving time according to Google Maps.
The actual time may vary according to the traffic and weather. The approximate driving time between these two places is 7 hours 30 minutes.