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Q: What improves drivers ability to identify hazards and conditions and driving environments and even act as a warning to fellow drivers in certain situations?
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What improves a drivers ability to identify hazards and conditions in the driving environment and even act as a warning to fellow drivers in certain situations?


Identify the benefits of using the GTCC?

Improves organizational cash management Enhances unit readiness Saves administrative costs incurred

Part of the human body that can grow 10 times bigger when exited?

The pupils of the eye dilate up to 10 times their normal size when a person is excited or in low light conditions. This allows more light to enter the eye and improves vision in dimly lit environments.

Identify the Benefits of using a GTC?

mother flippin, improves organization cash management enhances unit readiness saves administrative costs incurred

Identify the benefits of using a GTCC?

A,b,d improves organization cash management enhances unit readiness saves administrative costs incurred

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A simple hearing aid can enhance the hearing of a person. This improves the quality of life and helps them be more productive in work and other situations.

What is the benefit of good health and fitness?

Few Benefits of Good HealthExercise controls weightExercise combats health conditions and diseasesExercise improves moodExercise boosts energy

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Adaptability is a trait that can improve an individual's ability to survive and produce offspring. This trait allows individuals to adjust to changing environments and circumstances, increasing their chances of successfully reproducing.

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Every advance improves access to data & improves communication & that improves the business organization.

Is improves a verb?

Improves is a verb - to make or become better in quality

What describes what technology does?

To improve the economy

What are 3 fitness facts about gymnastics?

1: Gymnastics improves strength. 2: Gymnastics improves balance. 3: Gymnastics improves cardio.