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your still in trouble since you dont have a License,if you have a mean judge,

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Q: What happens when there is a car accident but the person not at fault has insurance but no drivers license?
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What happens if you in an accident and you have expire license and no insurance?

no insurance + jail

Get into an accident without a license will your insurance cover it?

If you are covered by an "Active" auto insurance policy then you will be covered, whether or not you have an active drivers license.

What happens if you get in an accident and the other driver does not have a drivers license?

If they don't have a licence they won't have valid insurance. Your own insurance company will advise; in the UK there is a pool to cover this, but it'll be different elsewhere.

If you lose your drivers license what happens to your auto insurance?

you die

You have a good track record with regards to your drivers license and if you had an accident with an expired drivers license and renewed it the next day after the accident will the insurance pay out?

If you were driving with an expired drivers license they will not insure you so if they find out you are up s--t creek. what they may do is ask you for your drivers license record up to date and then they will spot it. If you are lucky they wont. However they have not paying insurance down to a fine art.

If you have an expired license and get into an accident will your insurance pay the claim if your policy is paid?

If you have a current insurance policy and are in a car accident, but have an expired license, it is up to the insurance company if they will pay the claim or not. It could be in their clause not to, if a person does not have a valid drivers license, especially if you are the one at fault.

What happens if you have a wreck with no insurance and no drivers license?

hopefully, you go to jail

If someone with no drivers license nor insurance has an accident and is his fault what happens?

Well, it depends on where you live and what the laws are in that specific region. in canada, that perosn would probably go to jail.

What happens if you are in an accident that is not your fault but you have no insurance or license?

you got to jail for not having insurance or a vaild license and you are personally liable for all the damages you caused.

What happens if you get in a car accident and you have insurance but no license?

If you have no licence you are driving illegally.Any insurance you may have taken out becomes null & void.Basically you arent insured even if you pay the premiums.Get a licence as you could end up with a law suit if you were to have an accident & hurt someone.As youre breaking the law, you could end up with police on your case too!

What happens if someone without insurance gets into a car accident?

There are legal requirements that all drivers be insured- as well as licensed and carrying proper registration documents- separate from the driver"s license and of course obligatory license plates.