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When you buy a car on a loan, the title you get has a LIEN on it (the Bank that you borrowed from). If you want to transfer a title or get a new one, you always need the original title - and guess what - it should have no lien. The lien effectively states that you are not the owner of the car until it is paid for! Write-Off is a term businesses use to describe defaulting loans. They lend money to someone who doesnt pay it back. It's a LOSS for them - they deduct losses while filing taxes... Legally, you will not be able to get a new title since you have a lien.

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Q: What happens to the title of a vehicle if the lender writes off the debt and what can you do to get a new title in order to register the vehicle in another state?
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The lender is not required to take possession of the vehicle and can let the lien stand until the debt is paid. In addition, the lender can sue the borrower/debtor for the entire balance of the loan plus applicable legal fees, etc. rather than go through the reposssession and selling of the vehicle. As long as the lender is a lien holder the vehicle cannot be traded, sold nor transferred to another party.

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The lender owns the vehicle until it is payed for by the lender. The Primary lender will own the vehicle once it is payed for. It also depends on whose name appears on the title.

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a lender can do as he/she pleases with the vehicle after 31 the state of Alabama

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Of course. It is your vehicle free and clear, so do as you wish with it. Just be sure and get a lean release from the former lender.

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No, but unless you are paying cash for the vehicle the lender is going to want insurance coverage on the vehicle until it is paid for in case something happens to it. Therefore, the lender is going to want a policy number insuring their vehicle is covered.

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If you are a cosigner on a vehicle and the other person gets the vehicle repossessed then files for bancruptcy what happens to the cosigner?

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