If the speed sensor is broken several things can happen. The speedometer will not work and the transmission may not shift correctly.
It means your car is broken
If a transmission speed sensor fails, the transmission will default to second gear.
It could be anything from transmission speed sensor to just a broken speed cable.
If one of the turbine speed sensors is malfunctioning locate the broken part must be found. This is done by using a diagnostic machine. A broken sensor will need to be replaced in order for the components to work correctly.
The best way for removal is to wiggle the sensor while pulling upwards. This speed sensor is known to break during removal, if it does it will have to be drilled out to remove the broken piece.
YOU HAVE TO DRIVE IT TO HELL AND BACK Most likely either the wires to the vehicle/turbine speed sensor are broken or the vehicle/turbine speed sensor is defective
When you cut the wires on your speed sensor there will be several of fax. The most notable affect will be the malfunction of your speedometer.
Your speedometer doesn't work.
speed sensor on top of transmission,if the speed sensor does not work then the shift inside the trans is broken and trans will need to be rebuilt
A Vehicle Speed Sensor(VSS) can fail gradually or suddenly. At a minimum the speedometer and odometer will cease to function. But most newer cars rely on the speed sensor for a lot of other systems and will activate a 'limp home mode' if the speed sensor fails and could affect things like the ABS system and the transmission.
At a minimum the speedometer and odometer will cease to function. But most newer cars rely on the speed sensor for a lot of other systems and will activate a 'limp home mode' if the speed sensor fails and could affect things like the ABS system and the transmission.
Could be the speed sensor or another common problem with neons is broken solder points on the instrument cluster circuit board. To test it, see if your cruise control can keep you at speed. If so, it's the instrument cluster. If not could be the speed sensor. If you don't have cruise, then you may have to inspect the cluster for broken solder points.