I could not find an exact answer on what macular hole recovery equipment does.
Ozone friendly refrigerant HFC134a.....
According to my repair manual the refrigerant is HFC134a.
If you used a recovery equipment to recover CFC-12, you need to separate the lubricant from the recovered refrigerant.
There is no way for the average individual to do a disk data recovery. Since this process requires an intense amount of equipment to perform perfectly.
Equipment used, equipment deployment configuration, redundancy, fail over, clustering.
Anchoring system is not part of an air-based recovery system. Air-based recovery typically involves parachutes, helicopters, or other aircraft to retrieve individuals or equipment from remote or inaccessible locations.
Only come from Recovery, Recycling, and reclamation
http://www.gerstung.com/equipment/rebound.pages/runningsquares.html Or sometimes they can be found on eBay