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gcc --version

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Q: What command do you use to find the version of the GCC compiler?
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How do you find the version of GCC in Linux?

gcc --version

What is gcc 2.95.4?

GNU C compiler, with version number. Quite old actually. It's 4.3.2 on my computer.

Difference between gcc compiler and other or benefits of gcc over c compiler?

gcc is a c compiler among many other things. It can also be used to compile code in other languages. gcc is a fairly advanced compiler and is used to compile Linux along with most other free(as in free speech) software.

What command should be given to compile a C program from the command prompt?

You need a compiler. Gcc or g++ can be run from a unix shell, or a windows implementation of one like cygwin.

How do you know if gcc is installed?

run gcc command on shell prompt and it will show you $ gcc gcc: no input files else it will show "gcc : command not found"

How compiler do compilation?

Use a compiler program, such as bcc, gcc, javac, etc.

What is the difference between GCC compiler and turbo c compiler?

1. The Gcc compiler cna support multiple languages such as c,c++,Java,Fortran,Pascal etc.... Whereas in turbo c cpmpiler,it doesn't support multiple languages. 2. GCC compiler is a free software,... Whereas in turbo c cpmpiler , it is not a free software. 3. The GCC compiler is is a portable compiler,it runs on most plateform avilable today... Whereas in turbo c cpmpiler, it is not a portable compiler.

You have installed the openSUSE 11.1 on your PC but the gcc command is not working there then what should you do?

this only happen if o.s. is not installed completely with compiler options.for it just install the c compiler from the install will work. thank u.

How do you install gcc compiler in Ubuntu?

Run (from a terminal): sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential

Difference between Apple Mac and Intel c compiler?

Apple provide the GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) compiler with their development tools which come free with the Mac OS X. Intel produce a version of their compiler for the Mac platform. For specific details see the links below.

If during compilation in CC compiler changes the name of the function ie func to 2314ufdifunc what to do so that the compiler will use the same name given by the user?

set the environment variables CC=gcc export CC then it takes the compiler as gcc

Is NotePad Plus Plus a compiler?

Notepad++ is a text editor, not a compiler. You can however, enter source code into Notepad++ and then compile it with a compiler such as GCC.