There are 98.31 miles between the cities of Gainesville, Florida and Orlando, Florida. The driving time would be 1 hour 45 minutes.
The halfway point between Miami, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia is Gainesville, Florida. The exact location is the 43rd street Deli and Breakfast at 3483 South West Willison Road in Gainesville.
There are 98.31 miles between the cities of Gainesville, Florida and Orlando, Florida. The driving time would be 1 hour 45 minutes.
Glendale, Arizona Gainesville, Florida
Some of the cities in northern Florida are Jacksonville, Tallahassee and Gainesville.
7 Alabama Florida Georgia Missouri New York Texas and Viginia
Some cities that start with g are, Gail, Texas, Gainesville, Florida and Galway Lake, New York. newtest3
Amongst them: College of Dentistry at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, College of Dentistry at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida and School of Dentistry at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities in Minneapolis
Charleston, SC, is approximately 300 miles northwest of Gainesville, FL. The drive between the two cities typically takes around 5-6 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
There is approximately 106 miles between Orlando, Florida and Clear water, Florida. The halfway point between these two cities is Lakeland, Florida.
Texas and Florida
The distance between the cities of Pensacola, Florida and Destin, Florida is 82.7 miles. Pensacola is to the northwest of Destin.